Do you snore, have trouble breathing when you sleep, or wake up in the morning still feeling tired?

If so, then feel free to look at the three questionnaires that we give our sleep apnea patients.  They have helped a number of our patients recognize how much they could benefit from a sleep study (which is needed to move forward with any dental or medical sleep treatments).



Wake up feeling good!

Treating sleep apnea (and its related snoring) is an opportunity to get back the energy that you used to have, to reclaim your life.  That’s what we hear again and again from our sleep apnea patients.

If the whole idea of sleep apnea and its relationship to snoring is new to you, then we’ll sit down and answer questions to help determine if a sleep study seems right for you.  And if it seems right, then we’ll guide you through the treatment process, working together with your physician, your sleep specialist, and your insurance company.  

And if you’ve already been diagnosed with sleep apnea, and your CPAP machine has become cumbersome, or you’re a long-term CPAP user who’s just looking for an alternative when you travel, we’ll explain the differences between how a dental sleep appliance works compared to your CPAP machine.  We’ll also explain the fitting and insurance processes in detail.

Email us or give us a call to set up a consultation, and wake up feeling good!


CPAP alternative mouth device for people with sleep apnea